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Viterose Van Huis

Living Intentionally 2

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break, and all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say but with INTENTION. So, go love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally; the broken world wails in darkness for the light that is you. L.R. Knost

Without a doubt, our world is seemingly broken. Noticeably, people and children are being bombed in an area of the world believed to be holy. Droves of people visit this part yearly because it is the birthplace of their savior. And the people that are doing the bombing are the people that millions believe are “God” chosen people. That is only one of the many happenings in today’s world that must cause us to question our collective understanding.

          Are we questioning though, or is the brainwash so complete we are incapable of understanding a greater existence? We are Sheepold, meaning like sheep we just follow, sheep will follow one another to the slaughter.  The fashion industry is a classic example of how blindly we follow. Today everyone is wearing torn jeans, men women, old and young. I am old enough to remember when your jeans got ripped you patched them, and they became only suitable for home. Now we go into the store and pay hard-earned money for the most extreme ripped jeans. Eye lashes, many women now feel undressed without eyelashes. Herein are just a few of the noticeable ways we follow.  

In our modern times being intentional is harder than it was for earlier generations. There was no constant bombardment by marketers telling them how bad they look, and how good they would look if they wore or used a certain product. Our ancestors had more of a voice in their day-to-day existence. The invention of the internet and technology contributed significantly to our sheepoldness. More and more we have learned not to listen to our true selves. We have become separated from our souls. Oh, how we have been bamboozled into believing that we are so bad and that we need saving! Time cannot heal this madness and disconnect; it seems we are heading deeper into the rabbit hole. Awareness alone can save us. You ask, awareness of what? Awareness of the Oneness of the universe and how central we are in it. Albert Einstein boldly states:

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest...

a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us,

restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion

to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."


Only the awareness of our oneness will enable us to grasp our direct connection to all our experiences. We will be able to acknowledge, that I AM, I am the night and the day; I am the dark and the light, I am the positive and the negative. Hence, it would become natural for us to be present with all our experiences.  With that conscious understanding, we will see the world as an ocean and all of us as waves on the great ocean. Although the waves manifesting from the ocean are in various forms and sizes, they are always one with the ocean.  Similarly, all manifestations in the universe are connected. How differently we would live if we could only grasp this concept?

When we embrace and practice this understanding of oneness, we will be able to love intentionally, extravagantly, and unconditionally as Knost says. We would be intentional in all aspects of our lives. Can you imagine the contentment that this understanding will bring to our souls? Like the variety of flowers in the garden we would be happy with BEING.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is a great accomplishment. Ralph A Waldo Emerson.

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